Saturday, April 28, 2012

This may be why they don't let me go out.

Often when I go out and my husband hears about how my little adventures out in the real world turn out, he winds up pointing out "And this is why you aren't allowed to go out."  This was one of those nights.  (When I say night, I mean 4pm, which we have already been over with the girl at the concession stand who was very young and probably woke up and started the day about an hour before I called it 'night' at 4pm.)  My sister tried to sum it up on her facebook...

Sis after movies and running around town with my sister, I now have a few apology cards to write to some businesses... First up...
Dear Arbys Drive-Through guy, I'm sorry we sexually harassed you via Dane Cook jokes...  
Next - Dear Dicks Sporting Goods cashier..

Me  Hey, when a woman asks you for pickles in sexy (read insane and creepy) voice, you give her pickles, and you thank her for her business.

Me  And, I believe the Dicks guy used the word "enthusiastic", and he probably wasn't just using that because it was more polite than "batshit crazy." Probably.

Sis  I think it was a code word... like a safety code...

Me Well clearly we should have agreed on the safe word BEFORE he asked me if I had a Dicks card. Because I clearly took that to mean I should keep up the good work.

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